Thursday 27 June 2013


The world isn’t flat or paved, and of course for the most part no one was thinking about people using wheelchairs or walkers when they designed buildings. But things are changing as disability activists– have pushed to open up access to all people, including those with spinal cord injury, paralysis or old age mobility problems.

Though, access has more to do with getting in the house, working in the kitchen, using the bathroom. Home modification could be as simple as a doorknob that’s easy to work, a grab bar in the right place, or a ramp to get in through the back door. It may involve a wider door, a special sink or the installation of an elevator. 

Home modifications are changes made to adapt living spaces to meet the needs of people with physical limitations so that they can continue to live independently and safely.

Modifications can range from something as simple as replacing cabinet doorknobs with pull handles to full-scale construction projects that require installing wheelchair ramps and widening doorways.

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